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Healthy Dessert Recipes for Weight Loss

Healthy Dessert Recipes for Weight Loss 1. Yogurt Parfait Preparation Time: 10 minutes Servings: 1 serving Ingredients Method of Preparation 2. Dates and Cashew Balls Preparation Time: 20 minutes Servings: 2 servings Ingredients Method of Preparation 3. Ragi Oats Laddu Preparation Time: 30 minutes Servings: 3-4 servings (depending on the size

Treatment of disease

Treatment of disease Signs and Symptoms of Infectious Diseases Symptoms of infectious diseases vary depending on the organism causing the infection. The most common symptoms often include fever and fatigue. Mild infections may sometimes cure by rest and home remedies. Some life-threatening infections may need

4 symptoms of multiple myeloma

4 symptoms of multiple myeloma That multiple myeloma  (MM) is a hematological cancer that occurs from the increase in the number of a type of white blood cell called plasma cell  in the bone marrow and creates abnormal proteins in the bloodstream, causing 4 important symptoms of the disease.

Why is Acai so popular among health enthusiasts? 

Why is Acai so popular among health enthusiasts?  Acai Berry is a fruit that grows in the rainforests of Central and South America. It has yellow flesh covered with a dark purple shell. The fruit is round and about 2.5 centimeters in size. Because Acai is rich

Green tea treats acne, another property you may not know

Green tea treats acne, another property you may not know

 In addition to preventing cancer, reducing blood pressure, and reducing blood fat, green tea also helps treat acne . “Acne” is the number one facial skin problem for teenagers, which is more common than other age groups because of hormonal changes, as well as other causes such as