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Monthly Archives: October 2023

Numbness in the tips of the hands and feet is what disease?

Numbness in the tips of the hands and feet is what disease?

Anyone who experiences numbness in the tips of their fingers, toes, or even their arms, legs, hands, and face, the doctor may suspect that they have a dangerous disease related to peripheral neuropathy. Will these symptoms increase the risk of developing more serious diseases like paralysis

What causes "Phlegmitis" and how is it treated?

What causes “Phlegmitis” and how is it treated?

Plantar fasciitis,  or what is officially known as plantar fasciitis Plantar fasciitis or heel tendonitis It is a disease that often causes pain in the heels and soles of the feet. When we walk, we put on weight. Some people may feel severe heel pain after waking up. It is a